The literature on the subject defines the assessment as a methodology for evaluating the skills , aptitudes and behavioral style applied in professional contexts, of candidates or company collaborators. The assessment is a particularly suitable tool when in the management of human resources you are faced with these two situations : assessment of potential : in the process of selecting new resources, the assessment makes it possible to evaluate in a standardized way whether the skills possessed by the candidate reflect the requisites required to fill that particular position.
Planning of training courses : the assessment makes mobile number list possible to map the skills possessed by collaborators in the company and to identify possible points of improvement in order to structure adequate development and training plans. New call to action Structuring a first phase of assessment of the skills possessed by collaborators in the company is a crucial moment for effectively and strategically directing investments in the design of training courses : this methodology, in fact, makes it possible to customize the training objectives on the real needs of people's skills .
Skipping the assessment phase could frustrate the results of the training: it is through a punctual balance of the skills of the collaborators that it is possible to plan effective paths for improvement. At the end of this article you will know everything you need to know about the use of individual assessment in organizational contexts, because we will talk in detail about: What is an individual assessment? What does an individual assessment measure? What are the benefits of an individual assessment? 1.